このエントリはTheorem Prover Advent Calendar 2015と言語実装 Advent Calendar 2015の11日目の記事です。 言語実装 Advent Calendar 2015の10日目の記事はkeenさんのリージョンについてでした。
例えば、1+2*3のような関数を含まないtermに型を付けるのは簡単ですよね。 subtermの型を見てボトムアップに型を付けていけば良いだけです。
(* 関数抽象を含まないtermに対する型付けのイメージ *) (* 型付けに失敗した時に投げる例外 *) exception IllTyped (* 型 *) type typ = | Int | Bool (* term *) type term = | VInt of int | VBool of bool | Minus of term * term | If of term * term * term (* 与えられたtermに付けられる型を返す関数 *) let rec typing = function | VInt _ -> Int | VBool _ -> Bool | Minus (t1, t2) -> begin match typing t1, typing t2 with | Int, Int -> Int | _, _ -> raise IllTyped end | If (t1, t2, t3) -> begin match typing t1, typing t2, typing t3 with | Bool, Int, Int -> Int | Bool, Bool, Bool -> Bool | _, _, _ -> raise IllTyped end
ところが、このアプローチは関数を含むようにtermを拡張すると破綻します。 なぜならば、の形をしたtermに型を付けるためにはtに型を付ける必要がありますが、 tに型を付けるためにはxの型が必要で、xの型はtに型を付けてみないと分からないからです。
例えば、みたいなプログラムがあった時xの型は 、yの型は、zの型はだと人間なら分かりますが、 これらの型は関数の中身であるを見なければ分かりません。 さらにに型を付けようと思うとx, y, zの型が必要になりますから困ったものです。
関数を含むようなプログラムの型を推論しようと思うとこのような問題が生じますが、この程度の問題なら70年代に既に解決法が知られています。 分からなかった型を変数とおいて、変数が満たすべき制約を解いて後から代入すれば良いのです。 より詳しく知りたい人はTAPLの22章なんかを読むのがおすすめです。
何となく型推論のmotivationと実装方法は分かったと思うので肝心の僕が書いた証明を見ていきましょう。 まずは対象言語の定義です。
Module Types. Inductive t : Set := | Base : t | Var : nat -> t | Fun : t -> t -> t. (* ここに型についての証明が並ぶ *) End Types. Module Exp. Inductive t := | Const : t | Var : nat -> t | Abs : Types.t -> t -> t | App : t -> t -> t.
どう見ても単純型付きλ計算ですね、はい。変数の管理にはde Bruijn indicesを使っています。
Inductive typed : list Types.t -> t -> Types.t -> Prop := | T_Const : forall env, typed env Const Types.Base | T_Var : forall env x, x < length env -> typed env (Var x) (nth x env Types.Base) | T_Abs : forall env t1 m t2, typed (t1 :: env) m t2 -> typed env (Abs t1 m) (Types.Fun t1 t2) | T_App : forall env t1 t2 m n, typed env m (Types.Fun t1 t2) -> typed env n t1 -> typed env (App m n) t2.
Fixpoint extract env symbols m := match m with | Const => (symbols, nil, Types.Base) | Var x => (symbols, nil, nth x env Types.Base) | Abs t1 m => match extract (t1 :: env) symbols m with | (symbols', constraints, t2) => (symbols', constraints, Types.Fun t1 t2) end | App m n => match extract env symbols m with | (symbols1, constraints1, t1) => match extract env symbols1 n with | (symbols2, constraints2, t2) => let t0 := Types.Var symbols2 in (S symbols2, (t1, Types.Fun t2 t0) :: constraints1 ++ constraints2, t0) end end end.
分からない部分は型変数に置きつつ、型変数の満たすべき制約を抽出しています。 ここで、新しく型変数を導入する際にユニークである必要がありますが、gensymの要領で使われていない型変数を再帰で引き回す事でこれを解決しています。
Lemma extract_symbol : forall m env symbols symbols' constraints t0, (forall x, In x m -> x < symbols) -> (forall x t, List.In t env -> Types.In x t -> x < symbols) -> extract env symbols m = (symbols', constraints, t0) -> symbols <= symbols' /\ (forall x, Constraint.In x constraints \/ Types.In x t0 -> x < symbols'). Proof. intros m. induction m as [| x | t0 m IHm | m IHm n IHn ]; simpl; intros env symbols symbols' constraints t Hexp Henv Hextract. inversion Hextract. split. auto. intros x [HIn | HIn]; inversion HIn. inversion Hextract. subst. split. auto. intros y [ HIn | HIn ]. inversion HIn. destruct (le_lt_dec (length env) x). rewrite nth_overflow in HIn. inversion HIn. auto. eapply Henv. apply nth_In. apply l. apply HIn. remember (extract (t0 :: env) symbols m) as o. symmetry in Heqo. destruct o as [[symbols1 constraints1] t1]. inversion Hextract. subst. assert (Hexp': forall x : nat, In x m -> x < symbols). intros x HIn. apply Hexp. apply In_Abs_cod. auto. assert (Henv': forall x t1, List.In t1 (t0 :: env) -> Types.In x t1 -> x < symbols). intros x t2 HListIn HIn. inversion HListIn. apply Hexp. apply In_Abs_dom. congruence. apply Henv with (t := t2); auto. specialize (IHm _ _ _ _ _ Hexp' Henv' Heqo). destruct IHm as [Hincr HIn]. split. auto. intros x [HInconstr | HInexp]. apply HIn. auto. inversion HInexp. assert (x < symbols). apply Hexp. apply In_Abs_dom. auto. omega. apply HIn. auto. remember (extract env symbols m) as o1. symmetry in Heqo1. destruct o1 as [[symbols1 constraints1] t1]. remember (extract env symbols1 n) as o2. symmetry in Heqo2. destruct o2 as [[symbols2 constraints2] t2]; inversion Hextract. subst. assert (Hexp1: forall x, In x m -> x < symbols). intros x HIn. apply Hexp. apply In_App_fun. auto. specialize (IHm _ _ _ _ _ Hexp1 Henv Heqo1). destruct IHm as [Hincr1 Hle1]. assert (Hexp2: forall x, In x n -> x < symbols1). intros x HIn. assert (x < symbols). apply Hexp. apply In_App_arg. auto. omega. assert (Henv2: forall x t, List.In t env -> Types.In x t -> x < symbols1). intros x t0 HListIn HIn. assert (x < symbols). apply Henv with (t := t0); auto. omega. specialize (IHn _ _ _ _ _ Hexp2 Henv2 Heqo2). destruct IHn as [Hincr2 Hle2]. split. omega. intros x [HInconstr | HInexp]. inversion HInconstr as [t2'' t0 HIn'' | t2'' t0 HIn'' ]. destruct HIn'' as [HIn | HIn]. assert (x < symbols1) by auto. omega. inversion HIn. assert (x < symbols2) by auto. omega. inversion H2. omega. apply Exists_app in HIn''. destruct HIn'' as [HIn | HIn]. assert (x < symbols1) by auto. omega. assert (x < symbols2) by auto. omega. inversion HInexp. omega. Qed.
この補題を使うと、型推論の健全性、つまり型推論器によって得られた制約を解く代入が存在すれば、 それを代入した環境の元でこれまた代入したtermは、型推論器によって得られた型に代入を行った型を持つ事が証明できます。
Theorem extract_sound : forall m env symbols symbols' constraints t subs, (forall x, In x m -> x < symbols) -> (forall x t, List.In t env -> Types.In x t -> x < symbols) -> fv m <= length env -> extract env symbols m = (symbols', constraints, t) -> Constraint.unifies subs constraints -> typed (map (Types.subst_list subs) env) (subst_list subs m) (Types.subst_list subs t). Proof. intros m. induction m as [| x | t0 m IHm | m IHm n IHn ]; simpl; intros env symbols symbols' constraints t subs Hexp Henv Hfv Hextract Hunifies. inversion Hextract. rewrite Types.subst_list_Base. constructor. inversion Hextract. rewrite <- map_nth. rewrite Types.subst_list_Base. constructor. rewrite map_length. apply Hfv. remember (extract (t0 :: env) symbols m) as o1. symmetry in Heqo1. destruct o1 as [[symbols1 constraints1] t1]. inversion Hextract. subst. rewrite Types.subst_list_Fun. constructor. assert (Hexp': forall x : nat, In x m -> x < symbols). intros x HIn. apply Hexp. apply In_Abs_cod. auto. assert (Henv': forall x t, List.In t (t0 :: env) -> Types.In x t -> x < symbols). intros x t2 HInList HIn. inversion HInList. apply Hexp. apply In_Abs_dom. congruence. apply Henv with (t := t2); auto. assert (Hfv': fv m <= length (t0 :: env)) by (destruct (fv m); simpl in * |- *; omega). apply(IHm _ _ _ _ _ subs Hexp' Henv' Hfv' Heqo1 Hunifies). remember (extract env symbols m) as o1. symmetry in Heqo1. destruct o1 as [[symbols1 constraints1] t1]. remember (extract env symbols1 n) as o2. symmetry in Heqo2. destruct o2 as [[symbols2 constraints2] t2]; inversion Hextract. subst. inversion Hunifies as [| [t1' t2'] constraints' Hunifies' Hunifies'' ]. subst. rewrite Types.subst_list_Fun in Hunifies'. apply Forall_app in Hunifies''. destruct Hunifies'' as [Hunifies1 Hunifies2]. assert (Hexp1: forall x, In x m -> x < symbols). intros x HIn. apply Hexp. apply In_App_fun. auto. assert (Hfv1: fv m <= length env). assert (fv m <= Peano.max (fv m) (fv n)) by apply Max.le_max_l. omega. specialize (IHm _ _ _ _ _ _ Hexp1 Henv Hfv1 Heqo1 Hunifies1). destruct (extract_symbol _ _ _ _ _ _ Hexp1 Henv Heqo1) as [Hincr1 HIn1]. assert (Hexp2: forall x, In x n -> x < symbols1). intros x HIn'. assert (x < symbols). apply Hexp. apply In_App_arg. auto. omega. assert (Henv2: forall x t, List.In t env -> Types.In x t -> x < symbols1). intros x t HListIn HIn'. assert (x < symbols) by (apply Henv with (t := t); auto). omega. assert (Hfv2: fv n <= length env). assert (fv n <= Peano.max (fv m) (fv n)) by apply Max.le_max_r. omega. specialize (IHn _ _ _ _ _ _ Hexp2 Henv2 Hfv2 Heqo2 Hunifies2). destruct (extract_symbol _ _ _ _ _ _ Hexp2 Henv2 Heqo2) as [Hincr2 HIn2]. rewrite Hunifies' in * |-. eapply T_App. apply IHm. apply IHn. Qed.
せっかく健全性が証明できた事ですし、依存型を使って健全な結果しか返さない関数なんかも書いてみましょう。 ここで、制約を解くために以前僕が証明した単一化の実装 を使っています。
Definition typing : forall symbols env m, (forall x, In x m -> x < symbols) -> (forall x t, List.In t env -> Types.In x t -> x < symbols) -> fv m <= length env -> option { p : list (nat * Types.t) * Types.t | let (subs, t) := p in typed (map (Types.subst_list subs) env) (subst_list subs m) (Types.subst_list subs t) }. Proof. intros symbols env m Hexp Henv Hfv. remember (extract env symbols m) as o. symmetry in Heqo. destruct o as [[symbols' constraints] t]. destruct (Constraint.unify' constraints) as [[subs Hunify] |]. left. exists (subs, t). apply (extract_sound _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hexp Henv Hfv Heqo Hunify). right. Defined.
試しに使ってみましょう。 Coqでそのまま計算させようとしたら殺人的に時間がかかったのでOCamlにExtractしてから計算させます。
Example s := (Exp.Abs (Types.Var 0) (Exp.Abs (Types.Var 1) (Exp.Abs (Types.Var 2) (Exp.App (Exp.App (Exp.Var 2) (Exp.Var 0)) (Exp.App (Exp.Var 1) (Exp.Var 0)))))). Example s' : option { p : list (nat * Types.t) * Types.t | let (subs, t) := p in Exp.typed nil (Exp.subst_list subs s) (Types.subst_list subs t) }. Proof. assert (Hexp: forall x, Exp.In x s -> x < 3). unfold s. intros x H. repeat match goal with | [ H : Exp.In _ _ |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H | [ H : Types.In _ _ |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H | _ => omega end. assert (Henv : forall x t, List.In t nil -> Types.In x t -> x < 3). intros x t HListIn HIn. inversion HListIn. apply (Exp.typing _ _ _ Hexp Henv (le_n _)). Defined. Extraction "typing.ml" Types Constraint Exp s'.
(* 中略 *) val s : Exp.t = Exp.Abs (Types.Var O, Exp.Abs (Types.Var (S O), Exp.Abs (Types.Var (S (S O)), Exp.App (Exp.App (Exp.Var (S (S O)), Exp.Var O), Exp.App (Exp.Var (S O), Exp.Var O))))) val s' : ((nat, Types.t) prod list, Types.t) prod option = Some (Pair (Cons (Pair (S (S (S O)), Types.Fun (Types.Var (S (S (S (S O)))), Types.Var (S (S (S (S (S O))))))), Cons (Pair (O, Types.Fun (Types.Var (S (S O)), Types.Fun (Types.Var (S (S (S (S O)))), Types.Var (S (S (S (S (S O)))))))), Cons (Pair (S O, Types.Fun (Types.Var (S (S O)), Types.Var (S (S (S (S O)))))), Nil))), Types.Fun (Types.Var O, Types.Fun (Types.Var (S O), Types.Fun (Types.Var (S (S O)), Types.Var (S (S (S (S (S O)))))))))) # let Some (Pair (subs, t)) = s';; let Some (Pair (subs, t)) = s';; Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive. Here is an example of a value that is not matched: None val subs : (nat, Types.t) prod list = Cons (Pair (S (S (S O)), Types.Fun (Types.Var (S (S (S (S O)))), Types.Var (S (S (S (S (S O))))))), Cons (Pair (O, Types.Fun (Types.Var (S (S O)), Types.Fun (Types.Var (S (S (S (S O)))), Types.Var (S (S (S (S (S O)))))))), Cons (Pair (S O, Types.Fun (Types.Var (S (S O)), Types.Var (S (S (S (S O)))))), Nil))) val t : Types.t = Types.Fun (Types.Var O, Types.Fun (Types.Var (S O), Types.Fun (Types.Var (S (S O)), Types.Var (S (S (S (S (S O)))))))) # Exp.subst_list subs s;; Exp.subst_list subs s;; - : Exp.t = Exp.Abs (Types.Fun (Types.Var (S (S O)), Types.Fun (Types.Var (S (S (S (S O)))), Types.Var (S (S (S (S (S O))))))), Exp.Abs (Types.Fun (Types.Var (S (S O)), Types.Var (S (S (S (S O))))), Exp.Abs (Types.Var (S (S O)), Exp.App (Exp.App (Exp.Var (S (S O)), Exp.Var O), Exp.App (Exp.Var (S O), Exp.Var O))))) # Types.subst_list subs t;; - : Types.t = Types.Fun (Types.Fun (Types.Var (S (S O)), Types.Fun (Types.Var (S (S (S (S O)))), Types.Var (S (S (S (S (S O))))))), Types.Fun (Types.Fun (Types.Var (S (S O)), Types.Var (S (S (S (S O))))), Types.Fun (Types.Var (S (S O)), Types.Var (S (S (S (S (S O))))))))
ちなみに全てのプログラムを型検査で弾くような型推論器も健全であると言えますから完全性の証明も欲しいところですが、 こちらの証明は一筋縄ではいきませんでした。 あまりAdvent Calendarに時間を割き過ぎても卒論に差し支えますから、今回はこの辺りで切り上げる事にします。
Require Import Arith List Finite_sets_facts Recdef Wf_nat Omega. Lemma Forall_map : forall X Y (P : Y -> Prop) (f : X -> Y) l, Forall P (map f l) <-> Forall (fun x => P (f x)) l. Proof. intros X Y P f l. split; intros H. apply Forall_forall. intros x HListIn. eapply Forall_forall in H. apply H. apply in_map; auto. induction l as [| x l']; simpl; inversion H; constructor; auto. Qed. Lemma Exists_map : forall X Y (P : Y -> Prop) (f : X -> Y) l, Exists P (map f l) <-> Exists (fun x => P (f x)) l. Proof. intros X Y P f l. split. intros HExists. apply Exists_exists in HExists. apply Exists_exists. destruct HExists as [x [HListIn HP]]. apply in_map_iff in HListIn. destruct HListIn as [y [Heq HListIn]]. exists y. subst; auto. intros HExists. apply Exists_exists in HExists. apply Exists_exists. destruct HExists as [x [HListIn HP]]. exists (f x). split; auto. apply in_map; auto. Qed. Lemma Exists_preserves_Finite : forall U family, Forall (Finite _) family -> Finite _ (fun x : U => Exists (fun s => s x) family). Proof. intros U family Hall. induction family as [| s family']. rewrite Extensionality_Ensembles with (B := Empty_set _). constructor. split; intros x H; inversion H. inversion Hall. rewrite Extensionality_Ensembles with (B := Union _ s (fun x : U => Exists (fun s => s x) family')). apply Union_preserves_Finite; auto. split; intros y HIn; (inversion HIn; [ left | right ]); auto. Qed. Lemma Exists_app : forall X (P : X -> Prop) l1 l2, Exists P (l1 ++ l2) -> Exists P l1 \/ Exists P l2. Proof. intros X P l1 l2 Hexists. induction l1. auto. inversion Hexists. left. left. auto. assert (IHl1': Exists P l1 \/ Exists P l2). apply IHl1. auto. destruct IHl1' as [IHl1' | IHl1']. left. right. auto. right. auto. Qed. Lemma Forall_app : forall X (P : X -> Prop) l1 l2, Forall P (l1 ++ l2) -> Forall P l1 /\ Forall P l2. Proof. intros X P l1 l2 HForall. induction l1. split; auto. inversion HForall. specialize (IHl1 H2). destruct IHl1. split. constructor; auto. auto. Qed. Module Types. Inductive t : Set := | Base : t | Var : nat -> t | Fun : t -> t -> t. Fixpoint size t := match t with | Fun t1 t2 => S (size t1 + size t2) | _ => 1 end. Inductive In x : t -> Prop := | In_Fun_dom : forall t1 t2, In x t1 -> In x (Fun t1 t2) | In_Fun_cod : forall t1 t2, In x t2 -> In x (Fun t1 t2) | In_Var : In x (Var x). Definition In_dec : forall x t, { In x t } + { ~In x t }. Proof. intros x. refine (fix In_dec (t0 : t) := match t0 as t0' return { In x t0' } + { ~In x t0' } with | Base => right _ | Var y => match eq_nat_dec x y with | left H => left (eq_ind _ (fun y0 : nat => In x (Var y0)) (In_Var _) _ H) | _ => right _ end | Fun t1 t2 => match In_dec t1 with | left H => left (In_Fun_dom _ _ _ H) | right _ => match In_dec t2 with | left H => left (In_Fun_cod _ _ _ H) | right _ => right _ end end end); (intros H; inversion H; auto). Defined. Lemma notIn_Fun : forall x t1 t2, ~In x (Fun t1 t2) -> ~In x t1 /\ ~In x t2. Proof. intros x t1 t2 HnotIn. split; intros HIn; apply HnotIn; [ apply In_Fun_dom | apply In_Fun_cod ]; auto. Qed. Theorem FV_Finite : forall t, Finite _ (fun x => In x t). Proof. intros t. induction t as [ | x | t1 IHt1 t2 IHt2 ]. rewrite Extensionality_Ensembles with (B := Empty_set _). constructor. split; (intros x H; inversion H). rewrite Extensionality_Ensembles with (B := Singleton _ x). apply Singleton_is_finite. split; (intros y H; inversion H; constructor). rewrite Extensionality_Ensembles with (B := Union _ (fun x => In x t1) (fun x => In x t2)). apply Union_preserves_Finite; assumption. split; intros x H; inversion H; [ left | right | apply In_Fun_dom | apply In_Fun_cod ]; assumption. Qed. Fixpoint subst x t0 t := match t with | Base => Base | Var y => if eq_nat_dec x y then t0 else t | Fun t1 t2 => Fun (subst x t0 t1) (subst x t0 t2) end. Theorem subst_In_occur : forall x t1 t2, In x (subst x t1 t2) -> In x t1. Proof. intros x t1 t2 HIn. induction t2 as [ | y | t21 IHt21 t22 IHt22 ]; simpl in * |- *. inversion HIn. destruct (eq_nat_dec x y). assumption. inversion HIn. congruence. inversion HIn; auto. Qed. Theorem subst_notIn : forall x t1 t2, ~In x t2 -> subst x t1 t2 = t2. Proof. intros x t1 t2 HnotIn. induction t2 as [ | y | t21 IHt21 t22 IHt22 ]; simpl in * |- *. reflexivity. destruct (eq_nat_dec x y) as [ Heq | ]. rewrite Heq in HnotIn. exfalso. apply HnotIn. constructor. auto. destruct (notIn_Fun _ _ _ HnotIn) as [HnotIn21 HnotIn22]. specialize (IHt21 HnotIn21). specialize (IHt22 HnotIn22). congruence. Qed. Theorem subst_In_or : forall x y t1 t2, In x (subst y t1 t2) -> In x t1 \/ In x t2. Proof. intros x y t1 t2 HIn. induction t2 as [ | x' | t21 IHt21 t22 IHt22 ]; simpl in * |- *. inversion HIn. destruct (eq_nat_dec y x') as [ Heq | ]. rewrite <- Heq. left. auto. right. auto. inversion HIn as [t21' t22' HIn' | t21' t22' HIn' |]. destruct (IHt21 HIn'); [ left | right; apply In_Fun_dom ]; auto. destruct (IHt22 HIn'); [ left | right; apply In_Fun_cod ]; auto. Qed. Definition subst_list subs t1 := fold_left (fun t1 (sub : nat * t) => let (x, t0) := sub in subst x t0 t1) subs t1. Lemma subst_list_app : forall subs1 subs2 t, subst_list (subs1 ++ subs2) t = subst_list subs2 (subst_list subs1 t). Proof. apply fold_left_app. Qed. Lemma subst_list_Base : forall subs, subst_list subs Base = Base. Proof. intros. induction subs as [| [x t] subs' IHsubs']. auto. simpl. rewrite IHsubs'. auto. Qed. Lemma subst_list_Fun : forall subs t1 t2, subst_list subs (Fun t1 t2) = Fun (subst_list subs t1) (subst_list subs t2). Proof. intros subs. induction subs as [| [x t] subs']; intros t1 t2; simpl; eauto. Qed. Notation unifies subs t1 t2 := (subst_list subs t1 = subst_list subs t2). Lemma subst_preserves_unifies : forall x t0 subs t, unifies subs (Var x) t0 -> unifies subs t (subst x t0 t). Proof. intros x t0 subs t Hunifies. induction t as [ | y | t1 IHt1 t2 IHt2 ]; simpl in * |- *. auto. destruct (eq_nat_dec x y); congruence. repeat rewrite subst_list_Fun. f_equal; auto. Qed. Lemma unifies_occur : forall x t, Var x <> t -> In x t -> forall subs, ~unifies subs (Var x) t. Proof. intros x t Hneq Hoccur subs Hunifies. assert (size (subst_list subs (Var x)) >= size (subst_list subs t)). rewrite Hunifies. constructor. clear Hunifies. induction Hoccur as [ t1 t2 HIn IHHoccur | t1 t2 HIn IHHoccur | ]. rewrite subst_list_Fun in H. simpl in H. apply IHHoccur; [ intros Heq; rewrite Heq in H | ]; omega. rewrite subst_list_Fun in H. simpl in H. apply IHHoccur; [ intros Heq; rewrite Heq in H | ]; omega. auto. Qed. End Types. Module Constraint. Definition t := (Types.t * Types.t)%type. Definition size constraints := fold_right plus 0 (map (fun c : t => let (t1, t2) := c in Types.size t1 + Types.size t2) constraints). Definition In x constraints := Exists (fun c : t => let (t1, t2) := c in Types.In x t1 \/ Types.In x t2) constraints. Lemma FV_Finite : forall constraints, Finite _ (fun x => In x constraints). Proof. intros constraints. unfold In. rewrite Extensionality_Ensembles with (B := fun x => Exists (fun s => s x) (map (fun c : t => let (t1, t2) := c in Union _ (fun x => Types.In x t1) (fun x => Types.In x t2)) constraints)). apply Exists_preserves_Finite. apply Forall_map. apply Forall_forall. intros [t1 t2] HIn. apply Union_preserves_Finite; apply Types.FV_Finite. split; intros x HIn; [ apply Exists_map | apply Exists_map in HIn ]; apply Exists_exists in HIn; apply Exists_exists; destruct HIn as [[t1 t2] [HListIn HIn]]; exists (t1, t2); (split; [ auto | destruct HIn; [left | right]; auto ]). Qed. Definition subst x t0 constraints := map (fun c : t => let (t1, t2) := c in (Types.subst x t0 t1, Types.subst x t0 t2)) constraints. Theorem subst_In_occur : forall x t constraints, In x (subst x t constraints) -> Types.In x t. Proof. intros x t constraints HIn. induction constraints as [| [t1 t2] constraints' IHconstraints']; simpl in * |- *. inversion HIn. inversion HIn as [[t1' t2'] constraints'' Hor |]; subst. destruct Hor as [HIn' | HIn']; eapply Types.subst_In_occur; apply HIn'. apply IHconstraints'. auto. Qed. Theorem subst_In_or : forall x y t constraints, In x (subst y t constraints) -> Types.In x t \/ In x constraints. Proof. intros x y t constraints HIn. induction constraints as [| [t1 t2] constraints' IHconstraints']; simpl in * |- *. inversion HIn. inversion HIn as [[t1' t2'] constraints'' Hor | [t1' t2'] constraints'' HIn' ]; subst. destruct Hor as [HIn' | HIn']; (destruct (Types.subst_In_or _ _ _ _ HIn'); [left | right; left]; auto). destruct (IHconstraints' HIn'); [ left | right; right ]; auto. Qed. Notation subst_list subs constraints := (map (fun p : t => let (t1, t2) := p in (Types.subst_list subs t1, Types.subst_list subs t2)) constraints). Lemma subst_list_app : forall subs1 subs2 constraints, subst_list (subs1 ++ subs2) constraints = subst_list subs2 (subst_list subs1 constraints). Proof. intros subs1 subs2 constraints. rewrite map_map. apply map_ext. intros [t1 t2]. f_equal; apply Types.subst_list_app. Qed. Notation unifies subs constraints := (Forall (fun p : t => let (t1, t2) := p in Types.unifies subs t1 t2) constraints). Theorem subst_preserves_unifies : forall x t0 subs constraints, Types.unifies subs (Types.Var x) t0 -> unifies subs constraints -> unifies subs (subst x t0 constraints). Proof. intros x t0 subs constraints Hunifies Hunifies'. unfold subst. apply Forall_map. eapply Forall_impl; [| apply Hunifies']. intros [t1 t2] Hunifies''. repeat rewrite <- (Types.subst_preserves_unifies _ _ _ _ Hunifies). auto. Qed. Lemma unify_sound_same : forall t subs constraints, unifies subs constraints -> unifies subs ((t, t) :: constraints). Proof. intros t subs constraints Hunifies. constructor; auto. Qed. Lemma unify_complete_same : forall t subs constraints, unifies subs ((t, t) :: constraints) -> unifies subs constraints. Proof. intros t subs constraints Hunifies. inversion Hunifies. auto. Qed. Lemma unify_sound_subst : forall x t l constraints, ~Types.In x t -> unifies l (subst x t constraints) -> unifies ((x, t) :: l) ((Types.Var x, t) :: constraints). Proof. intros x t l constraints Hoccur Hunifies. constructor. simpl. destruct (eq_nat_dec x x). rewrite Types.subst_notIn; auto. exfalso. auto. unfold subst in Hunifies. apply Forall_map in Hunifies. eapply Forall_impl; [| apply Hunifies ]. intros [t0 t3] Heqsubst. simpl in Heqsubst. auto. Qed. Lemma unify_sound_comm : forall t1 t2 subs constraints, unifies subs ((t2, t1) :: constraints) -> unifies subs ((t1, t2) :: constraints). Proof. intros t1 t2 subs constraints Hunifies. inversion Hunifies. constructor; auto. Qed. Lemma unify_sound_fun : forall constraints t11 t12 t21 t22 subs, unifies subs ((t11, t21) :: (t12, t22) :: constraints) -> unifies subs ((Types.Fun t11 t12, Types.Fun t21 t22) :: constraints). Proof. intros constraints t11 t12 t21 t22 subs Hunifies. inversion Hunifies as [| x l Hunifies1 Hunifies']. inversion Hunifies'. constructor. repeat rewrite Types.subst_list_Fun. f_equal; auto. auto. Qed. Lemma unify_complete_fun : forall constraints t11 t12 t21 t22 subs, unifies subs ((Types.Fun t11 t12, Types.Fun t21 t22) :: constraints) -> unifies subs ((t11, t21) :: (t12, t22) :: constraints). Proof. intros constraints t11 t12 t21 t22 subs Hunifies. inversion Hunifies as [| [t1 t2] l Hunifies1 Hunifies']. repeat rewrite Types.subst_list_Fun in Hunifies1. inversion Hunifies1. repeat (constructor; auto). Qed. Definition lt constraints1 constraints2 := forall n m, cardinal _ (fun x => In x constraints1) n -> cardinal _ (fun x => In x constraints2) m -> n <= m /\ (m <= n -> size constraints1 < size constraints2). Lemma lt_well_founded : well_founded lt. Proof. intros constraints1. destruct (finite_cardinal _ _ (FV_Finite constraints1)) as [n Hcardinal1]. generalize dependent constraints1. induction n as [n IHn] using lt_wf_ind. intros constraints1 Hcardinal1. induction constraints1 as [constraints1 IHconstraints1] using (induction_ltof1 _ size). constructor. intros constraints2 Hlt. destruct (finite_cardinal _ _ (FV_Finite constraints2)) as [m Hcardinal2]. destruct (Hlt _ _ Hcardinal2 Hcardinal1) as [Hcard Hsize]. destruct (eq_nat_dec m n) as [Heq |]. rewrite Heq in * |- *. apply IHconstraints1; [ apply Hsize |]; auto. apply IHn with (m := m). omega. auto. Qed. Lemma lt_subst : forall constraints x t t1 t2, ~Types.In x t -> (t1 = t /\ t2 = Types.Var x \/ t1 = Types.Var x /\ t2 = t) -> lt (subst x t constraints) ((t1, t2) :: constraints). Proof. intros constraints x t t1 t2 HnotIn HVar m n Hcardinal1 Hcardinal2. assert (Hinclst: Strict_Included _ (fun y => In y (subst x t constraints)) (fun y => In y ((t1, t2) :: constraints))). split. intros y HIn. apply subst_In_or in HIn. destruct HIn as [ HIn | HIn ]. left. destruct HVar as [[Ht1 Ht2] | [Ht1 Ht2]]; subst; auto. right. auto. intros Hcontra. assert (HnotIncluded: ~Included _ (fun y => In y ((t1, t2) :: constraints)) (fun y => In y (subst x t constraints))). intros HIncluded. specialize (HIncluded x). assert (HIn: In x ((t1, t2) :: constraints)). destruct HVar as [[Ht1 Ht2] | [Ht1 Ht2]]; subst; left; [right | left]; constructor. specialize (HIncluded HIn). apply subst_In_occur in HIncluded. auto. apply HnotIncluded. rewrite Hcontra. intros y H. auto. specialize (incl_st_card_lt _ _ _ Hcardinal1 _ _ Hcardinal2 Hinclst). intros. omega. Qed. Lemma lt_fun : forall t11 t12 t21 t22 constraints, lt ((t11, t21) :: (t12, t22) :: constraints) ((Types.Fun t11 t12, Types.Fun t21 t22) :: constraints). Proof. intros t11 t12 t21 t22 constraints m n Hcardinal1 Hcardinal2. split. apply (incl_card_le _ _ _ _ _ Hcardinal1 Hcardinal2). intros x HIn. inversion HIn as [[t11' t21'] constraints' Hor | [t11' t21'] constraints' HIn' ]. left. destruct Hor; [left | right]; apply Types.In_Fun_dom; auto. inversion HIn' as [[t12' t22'] constraints'' Hor | ]. left. destruct Hor; [left | right]; apply Types.In_Fun_cod; auto. right. auto. intros. unfold size. simpl. omega. Qed. Lemma lt_cons : forall c constraints, lt constraints (c :: constraints). Proof. intros [t1 t2] constraints m n Hcardinal1 Hcardinal2. split. apply (incl_card_le _ _ _ _ _ Hcardinal1 Hcardinal2). intros x HIn. right. auto. intros. unfold size. simpl. assert (0 < Types.size t1). induction t1; simpl; omega. omega. Qed. Function unify constraints { wf lt constraints } := match constraints with | nil => Some nil | (Types.Base, Types.Base) :: constraints' => unify constraints' | (Types.Var x, Types.Var y) :: constraints' => if eq_nat_dec x y then unify constraints' else option_map (cons (x, Types.Var y)) (unify (subst x (Types.Var y) constraints')) | (Types.Var x, t2) :: constraints' => if Types.In_dec x t2 then None else option_map (cons (x, t2)) (unify (subst x t2 constraints')) | (t1, Types.Var y) :: constraints' => if Types.In_dec y t1 then None else option_map (cons (y, t1)) (unify (subst y t1 constraints')) | (Types.Fun t11 t12, Types.Fun t21 t22) :: constraints' => unify ((t11, t21) :: (t12, t22) :: constraints') | _ => None end. Proof. intros. apply lt_cons. intros. apply lt_subst; auto. intros. apply lt_subst; auto. intros. apply lt_cons. intros. apply lt_subst; auto. intros H. inversion H. auto. intros. apply lt_subst; auto. intros. apply lt_subst; auto. intros. apply lt_fun. apply lt_well_founded. Qed. Theorem unify_sound : forall constraints subs, unify constraints = Some subs -> unifies subs constraints. Proof. intros constraints. functional induction (unify constraints); intros subs Hunify; try solve [inversion Hunify]; try (apply unify_sound_same; auto). constructor. destruct (unify (subst x (Types.Var y) constraints')); inversion Hunify. apply unify_sound_subst. intros H. inversion H. auto. auto. destruct (unify (subst x t2 constraints')); inversion Hunify. apply unify_sound_subst; auto. destruct (unify (subst y t1 constraints')); inversion Hunify. apply unify_sound_comm. apply unify_sound_subst; auto. apply unify_sound_fun. auto. Qed. Notation moregen subs subs' := (exists subs0, forall t, Types.subst_list subs' t = Types.subst_list subs0 (Types.subst_list subs t)). Lemma moregen_extend : forall subs x t subs', Types.unifies subs (Types.Var x) t -> moregen subs' subs -> moregen ((x, t) :: subs') subs. Proof. intros subs x t0 subs' Hunifies Hmoregen. destruct Hmoregen as [ subs0 Hmoregen' ]. exists subs0. intros t1. simpl. rewrite <- Hmoregen'. rewrite <- Types.subst_preserves_unifies; auto. Qed. Lemma unify_complete_subst : forall x t subs constraints, ~Types.In x t -> (forall subs, unifies subs (subst x t constraints) -> exists subs', unify (subst x t constraints) = Some subs' /\ moregen subs' subs) -> unifies subs ((Types.Var x, t) :: constraints) -> exists subs', option_map (cons (x, t)) (unify (subst x t constraints)) = Some subs' /\ moregen subs' subs. Proof. intros x t subs constraints Hoccur IH Hunifies. inversion Hunifies as [| [t1 t2] l' Hu Hunifies']. apply (subst_preserves_unifies _ _ _ _ Hu) in Hunifies'. specialize (IH _ Hunifies'). destruct IH as [subs' [Heq Hmoregen]]. rewrite Heq. exists ((x, t) :: subs'). split. reflexivity. apply moregen_extend; auto. Qed. Theorem unify_complete : forall constraints subs, unifies subs constraints -> exists subs', unify constraints = Some subs' /\ moregen subs' subs. Proof. intros constraints. functional induction (unify constraints); intros subs Hunifies; try (apply unify_complete_same in Hunifies; auto). exists nil. split. auto. exists subs. auto. apply unify_complete_subst; auto. inversion Hunifies as [| [t1' t2'] constraints'' Hunifies']. intros Hcontra. inversion Hcontra. auto. inversion Hunifies as [| [t1' t2'] constraints'' Hunifies']. exfalso. apply Types.unifies_occur with (subs := subs) (x := x) (t := t2); auto. destruct t2; inversion y; intros Hcontra; inversion Hcontra. apply unify_complete_subst; auto. inversion Hunifies as [| [t1' t2'] constraints'' Hunifies']. exfalso. apply Types.unifies_occur with (subs := subs) (x := y) (t := t1); auto. destruct t1; inversion y0; intros Hcontra; inversion Hcontra. apply unify_sound_comm in Hunifies. apply unify_complete_subst; auto. apply unify_complete_fun in Hunifies. auto. destruct constraints as [| [t1 t2] ]; [ | destruct t1; destruct t2 ]; inversion y; inversion Hunifies as [| [t1 t2] l Hcontra]; rewrite Types.subst_list_Fun in Hcontra; rewrite Types.subst_list_Base in Hcontra; inversion Hcontra. Qed. Definition unify' : forall constraints, { subs | unifies subs constraints } + { ~exists subs, unifies subs constraints }. Proof. intros constraints. remember (unify constraints) as o. destruct o as [ subs |]. left. exists subs. apply unify_sound. auto. right. intros Hcontra. destruct Hcontra as [subs Hcontra]. apply unify_complete in Hcontra. destruct Hcontra as [subs' [Hcontra]]. congruence. Defined. End Constraint. Module Exp. Inductive t := | Const : t | Var : nat -> t | Abs : Types.t -> t -> t | App : t -> t -> t. Fixpoint subst_list subs m := match m with | Const => m | Var x => m | Abs t m => Abs (Types.subst_list subs t) (subst_list subs m) | App m n => App (subst_list subs m) (subst_list subs n) end. Inductive In x : t -> Prop := | In_Abs_dom : forall t m, Types.In x t -> In x (Abs t m) | In_Abs_cod : forall t m, In x m -> In x (Abs t m) | In_App_fun : forall m n, In x m -> In x (App m n) | In_App_arg : forall m n, In x n -> In x (App m n). Inductive typed : list Types.t -> t -> Types.t -> Prop := | T_Const : forall env, typed env Const Types.Base | T_Var : forall env x, x < length env -> typed env (Var x) (nth x env Types.Base) | T_Abs : forall env t1 m t2, typed (t1 :: env) m t2 -> typed env (Abs t1 m) (Types.Fun t1 t2) | T_App : forall env t1 t2 m n, typed env m (Types.Fun t1 t2) -> typed env n t1 -> typed env (App m n) t2. Fixpoint fv m := match m with | Const => 0 | Var x => S x | Abs _ m => pred (fv m) | App m n => Peano.max (fv m) (fv n) end. Fixpoint extract env symbols m := match m with | Const => (symbols, nil, Types.Base) | Var x => (symbols, nil, nth x env Types.Base) | Abs t1 m => match extract (t1 :: env) symbols m with | (symbols', constraints, t2) => (symbols', constraints, Types.Fun t1 t2) end | App m n => match extract env symbols m with | (symbols1, constraints1, t1) => match extract env symbols1 n with | (symbols2, constraints2, t2) => let t0 := Types.Var symbols2 in (S symbols2, (t1, Types.Fun t2 t0) :: constraints1 ++ constraints2, t0) end end end. Lemma extract_symbol : forall m env symbols symbols' constraints t0, (forall x, In x m -> x < symbols) -> (forall x t, List.In t env -> Types.In x t -> x < symbols) -> extract env symbols m = (symbols', constraints, t0) -> symbols <= symbols' /\ (forall x, Constraint.In x constraints \/ Types.In x t0 -> x < symbols'). Proof. intros m. induction m as [| x | t0 m IHm | m IHm n IHn ]; simpl; intros env symbols symbols' constraints t Hexp Henv Hextract. inversion Hextract. split. auto. intros x [HIn | HIn]; inversion HIn. inversion Hextract. subst. split. auto. intros y [ HIn | HIn ]. inversion HIn. destruct (le_lt_dec (length env) x). rewrite nth_overflow in HIn. inversion HIn. auto. eapply Henv. apply nth_In. apply l. apply HIn. remember (extract (t0 :: env) symbols m) as o. symmetry in Heqo. destruct o as [[symbols1 constraints1] t1]. inversion Hextract. subst. assert (Hexp': forall x : nat, In x m -> x < symbols). intros x HIn. apply Hexp. apply In_Abs_cod. auto. assert (Henv': forall x t1, List.In t1 (t0 :: env) -> Types.In x t1 -> x < symbols). intros x t2 HListIn HIn. inversion HListIn. apply Hexp. apply In_Abs_dom. congruence. apply Henv with (t := t2); auto. specialize (IHm _ _ _ _ _ Hexp' Henv' Heqo). destruct IHm as [Hincr HIn]. split. auto. intros x [HInconstr | HInexp]. apply HIn. auto. inversion HInexp. assert (x < symbols). apply Hexp. apply In_Abs_dom. auto. omega. apply HIn. auto. remember (extract env symbols m) as o1. symmetry in Heqo1. destruct o1 as [[symbols1 constraints1] t1]. remember (extract env symbols1 n) as o2. symmetry in Heqo2. destruct o2 as [[symbols2 constraints2] t2]; inversion Hextract. subst. assert (Hexp1: forall x, In x m -> x < symbols). intros x HIn. apply Hexp. apply In_App_fun. auto. specialize (IHm _ _ _ _ _ Hexp1 Henv Heqo1). destruct IHm as [Hincr1 Hle1]. assert (Hexp2: forall x, In x n -> x < symbols1). intros x HIn. assert (x < symbols). apply Hexp. apply In_App_arg. auto. omega. assert (Henv2: forall x t, List.In t env -> Types.In x t -> x < symbols1). intros x t0 HListIn HIn. assert (x < symbols). apply Henv with (t := t0); auto. omega. specialize (IHn _ _ _ _ _ Hexp2 Henv2 Heqo2). destruct IHn as [Hincr2 Hle2]. split. omega. intros x [HInconstr | HInexp]. inversion HInconstr as [t2'' t0 HIn'' | t2'' t0 HIn'' ]. destruct HIn'' as [HIn | HIn]. assert (x < symbols1) by auto. omega. inversion HIn. assert (x < symbols2) by auto. omega. inversion H2. omega. apply Exists_app in HIn''. destruct HIn'' as [HIn | HIn]. assert (x < symbols1) by auto. omega. assert (x < symbols2) by auto. omega. inversion HInexp. omega. Qed. Theorem extract_sound : forall m env symbols symbols' constraints t subs, (forall x, In x m -> x < symbols) -> (forall x t, List.In t env -> Types.In x t -> x < symbols) -> fv m <= length env -> extract env symbols m = (symbols', constraints, t) -> Constraint.unifies subs constraints -> typed (map (Types.subst_list subs) env) (subst_list subs m) (Types.subst_list subs t). Proof. intros m. induction m as [| x | t0 m IHm | m IHm n IHn ]; simpl; intros env symbols symbols' constraints t subs Hexp Henv Hfv Hextract Hunifies. inversion Hextract. rewrite Types.subst_list_Base. constructor. inversion Hextract. rewrite <- map_nth. rewrite Types.subst_list_Base. constructor. rewrite map_length. apply Hfv. remember (extract (t0 :: env) symbols m) as o1. symmetry in Heqo1. destruct o1 as [[symbols1 constraints1] t1]. inversion Hextract. subst. rewrite Types.subst_list_Fun. constructor. assert (Hexp': forall x : nat, In x m -> x < symbols). intros x HIn. apply Hexp. apply In_Abs_cod. auto. assert (Henv': forall x t, List.In t (t0 :: env) -> Types.In x t -> x < symbols). intros x t2 HInList HIn. inversion HInList. apply Hexp. apply In_Abs_dom. congruence. apply Henv with (t := t2); auto. assert (Hfv': fv m <= length (t0 :: env)) by (destruct (fv m); simpl in * |- *; omega). apply(IHm _ _ _ _ _ subs Hexp' Henv' Hfv' Heqo1 Hunifies). remember (extract env symbols m) as o1. symmetry in Heqo1. destruct o1 as [[symbols1 constraints1] t1]. remember (extract env symbols1 n) as o2. symmetry in Heqo2. destruct o2 as [[symbols2 constraints2] t2]; inversion Hextract. subst. inversion Hunifies as [| [t1' t2'] constraints' Hunifies' Hunifies'' ]. subst. rewrite Types.subst_list_Fun in Hunifies'. apply Forall_app in Hunifies''. destruct Hunifies'' as [Hunifies1 Hunifies2]. assert (Hexp1: forall x, In x m -> x < symbols). intros x HIn. apply Hexp. apply In_App_fun. auto. assert (Hfv1: fv m <= length env). assert (fv m <= Peano.max (fv m) (fv n)) by apply Max.le_max_l. omega. specialize (IHm _ _ _ _ _ _ Hexp1 Henv Hfv1 Heqo1 Hunifies1). destruct (extract_symbol _ _ _ _ _ _ Hexp1 Henv Heqo1) as [Hincr1 HIn1]. assert (Hexp2: forall x, In x n -> x < symbols1). intros x HIn'. assert (x < symbols). apply Hexp. apply In_App_arg. auto. omega. assert (Henv2: forall x t, List.In t env -> Types.In x t -> x < symbols1). intros x t HListIn HIn'. assert (x < symbols) by (apply Henv with (t := t); auto). omega. assert (Hfv2: fv n <= length env). assert (fv n <= Peano.max (fv m) (fv n)) by apply Max.le_max_r. omega. specialize (IHn _ _ _ _ _ _ Hexp2 Henv2 Hfv2 Heqo2 Hunifies2). destruct (extract_symbol _ _ _ _ _ _ Hexp2 Henv2 Heqo2) as [Hincr2 HIn2]. rewrite Hunifies' in * |-. eapply T_App. apply IHm. apply IHn. Qed. Definition typing : forall symbols env m, (forall x, In x m -> x < symbols) -> (forall x t, List.In t env -> Types.In x t -> x < symbols) -> fv m <= length env -> option { p : list (nat * Types.t) * Types.t | let (subs, t) := p in typed (map (Types.subst_list subs) env) (subst_list subs m) (Types.subst_list subs t) }. Proof. intros symbols env m Hexp Henv Hfv. remember (extract env symbols m) as o. symmetry in Heqo. destruct o as [[symbols' constraints] t]. destruct (Constraint.unify' constraints) as [[subs Hunify] |]. left. exists (subs, t). apply (extract_sound _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hexp Henv Hfv Heqo Hunify). right. Defined. End Exp. Example s := (Exp.Abs (Types.Var 0) (Exp.Abs (Types.Var 1) (Exp.Abs (Types.Var 2) (Exp.App (Exp.App (Exp.Var 2) (Exp.Var 0)) (Exp.App (Exp.Var 1) (Exp.Var 0)))))). Example s' : option { p : list (nat * Types.t) * Types.t | let (subs, t) := p in Exp.typed nil (Exp.subst_list subs s) (Types.subst_list subs t) }. Proof. assert (Hexp: forall x, Exp.In x s -> x < 3). unfold s. intros x H. repeat match goal with | [ H : Exp.In _ _ |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H | [ H : Types.In _ _ |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H | _ => omega end. assert (Henv : forall x t, List.In t nil -> Types.In x t -> x < 3). intros x t HListIn HIn. inversion HListIn. apply (Exp.typing _ _ _ Hexp Henv (le_n _)). Defined. Extraction "typing.ml" Types Constraint Exp s'.