この記事はTheorem Prover Advent Calendar 2016の4日目のために書かれました。
Require Import Arith Div2 List Orders Sorted Permutation Program. Require Omega. Section MergeSort. Local Coercion is_true : bool >-> Sortclass. Local Hint Constructors Permutation StronglySorted. Variable t : Set. Variable leb : t -> t -> bool. Variable leb_total : forall x y, leb x y \/ leb y x. Variable leb_trans : Transitive leb. Hint Resolve leb_trans.
Definition merge : forall xs, StronglySorted leb xs -> forall ys, StronglySorted leb ys -> { zs | StronglySorted leb zs /\ Permutation zs (xs ++ ys) }. Proof. refine (fix merge xs := match xs as xs0 return StronglySorted leb xs0 -> forall ys, StronglySorted leb ys -> { zs | StronglySorted leb zs /\ Permutation zs (xs0 ++ ys) } with | [] => fun _ ys _ => exist _ ys _ | x :: xs' => fun _ => fix merge' ys := match ys with | [] => fun _ => exist _ (x :: xs') _ | y :: ys' => fun _ => if Sumbool.sumbool_of_bool (leb x y) then let (zs, _) := merge xs' _ (y :: ys') _ in exist _ (x :: zs) _ else let (zs, _) := merge' ys' _ in exist _ (y :: zs) _ end end); simpl in *; try clear merge'; repeat (rewrite app_nil_r in * || match goal with | H : StronglySorted _ (_ :: _) |- _ => inversion H; clear H; subst | H : _ /\ _ |- _ => destruct H end || split || apply SSorted_cons); eauto; repeat match goal with | H : Forall ?P ?l |- _ => assert (forall x, In x l -> P x) by (apply Forall_forall; eauto); clear H | |- Forall _ _ => apply Forall_forall; intros end. - apply (Permutation_in _ H0) in H2. apply in_app_iff in H2. destruct H2 as [ | [ ] ]; subst; eauto. - destruct (leb_total x y); [ congruence | ]. apply (Permutation_in _ H0) in H2. apply in_app_iff with (l := x :: xs') in H2. destruct H2 as [ [ ] | ]; subst; eauto. - apply Permutation_cons_app with (l1 := x :: xs'). eauto. Defined.
Definition meld : forall xss, Forall (StronglySorted leb) xss -> { xss' | length xss' = div2 (S (length xss)) /\ Forall (StronglySorted leb) xss' /\ Permutation (fold_right (@app _) [] xss') (fold_right (@app _) [] xss) }. Proof. refine (fix meld xss := match xss with | [] => fun _ => exist _ [] _ | [xs] => fun _ => exist _ [xs] _ | xs :: xs' :: xss' => fun _ => let (ys, _) := merge xs _ xs' _ in let (yss, _) := meld xss' _ in exist _ (ys :: yss) _ end); simpl in *; clear meld; repeat (rewrite app_nil_r in * || match goal with | H : Forall _ (_ :: _) |- _ => inversion H; clear H; subst | H : _ /\ _ |- _ => destruct H end || split); eauto. rewrite app_assoc. apply Permutation_app; eauto. Defined.
Definition merge_sort xs : { xs' | StronglySorted leb xs' /\ Permutation xs' xs }. Proof. refine (let (xs', _) := Fix (well_founded_ltof _ (@length _)) (fun xss => Forall (StronglySorted leb) xss -> Permutation (fold_right (@app _) [] xss) xs -> { xs' | StronglySorted leb xs' /\ Permutation xs' xs }) (fun xss => match xss with | [] => fun _ _ _ => exist _ [] _ | [xs] => fun _ _ _ => exist _ xs _ | xs :: ys :: xss => fun iter_meld _ _ => let (xss', _) := meld (xs :: ys :: xss) _ in iter_meld xss' _ _ _ end) (map (fun x => [x]) xs) _ _ in exist _ xs' _); simpl in *; repeat (rewrite app_nil_r in * || match goal with | H : Forall _ (_ :: _) |- _ => inversion H; clear H; subst | H : _ /\ _ |- _ => destruct H end || split); eauto. - unfold ltof. simpl in *. destruct (length xss0). + omega. + rewrite H. apply le_n_S. apply lt_div2 with (n := S (S n)). omega. - apply Forall_forall. intros ? HIn. apply in_map_iff in HIn. destruct HIn as [? [ ]]; subst; eauto. - induction xs; simpl; eauto. Defined.
速度に気を遣ってアルゴリズムを実装したら実際の速度も気になるのが人情。 OCamlにextractしてOCaml標準ライブラリのList.sort及びCoq標準ライブラリのMergesort.NatSort.sortと比較してみます。
Require Import ExtrOcamlBasic ExtrOcamlNatInt Mergesort. Extract Constant map => "". Extract Constant Sumbool.sumbool_of_bool => "(fun b -> b)". Extract Constant NatOrder.leb => "( <= )". Extraction "" merge_sort NatSort.
# #use "./";; # let measure f = let start = Sys.time () in f (); Sys.time () -. start;; val measure : (unit -> 'a) -> float = <fun>
# Random.self_init ();; - : unit = () # let l = Array.to_list (Array.init 114514 (fun _ -> Random.bits ()));; val l : int list = ... # measure (fun _ -> ignore (List.sort compare l));; - : float = 0.122534999999999977
# measure (fun _ -> ignore (NatSort.sort l));; - : float = 0.240472
# measure (fun _ -> ignore (merge_sort ( <= ) l));; - : float = 0.305214
# let l = Array.to_list (Array.init 1919810 (fun _ -> Random.bits ()));; val l : int list = ... # measure (fun _ -> ignore (NatSort.sort l));; Stack overflow during evaluation (looping recursion?). # measure (fun _ -> ignore (merge_sort ( <= ) l));; Stack overflow during evaluation (looping recursion?).
Definition rev_merge : forall xs, StronglySorted leb xs -> forall ys, StronglySorted leb ys -> forall acc, { ws | exists zs, ws = rev zs ++ acc /\ StronglySorted leb zs /\ Permutation zs (xs ++ ys) }. Proof. refine (fix rev_merge xs := match xs as xs0 return StronglySorted leb xs0 -> forall ys, StronglySorted leb ys -> forall acc, { ws | exists zs, ws = rev zs ++ acc /\ StronglySorted leb zs /\ Permutation zs (xs0 ++ ys) } with | [] => fun _ ys _ acc => exist _ (rev_append ys acc) (ex_intro _ ys _) | x :: xs' => fun _ => fix rev_merge' ys := match ys as ys0 return StronglySorted leb ys0 -> forall acc, { ws | exists zs, ws = rev zs ++ acc /\ StronglySorted leb zs /\ Permutation zs (x :: xs' ++ ys0) } with | [] => fun _ acc => exist _ (rev_append xs' (x :: acc)) (ex_intro _ (x :: xs') _) | y :: ys' => fun _ acc => if Sumbool.sumbool_of_bool (leb x y) then let (zs, H) := rev_merge xs' _ (y :: ys') _ (x :: acc) in exist _ zs (let (x0, _) := H in ex_intro _ (x :: x0) _) else let (zs, H) := rev_merge' ys' _ (y :: acc) in exist _ zs (let (x0, _) := H in ex_intro _ (y :: x0) _) end end); try clear rev_merge'; repeat (simpl in *; ( rewrite app_nil_r in * || rewrite rev_append_rev in * || rewrite <- app_assoc || match goal with | H : StronglySorted _ (_ :: _) |- _ => inversion H; clear H; subst | H : _ /\ _ |- _ => destruct H | H : leb ?x ?y = false |- _ => destruct (leb_total x y); [ congruence | clear H ] end || split || apply SSorted_cons); subst); eauto; repeat match goal with | H : Forall ?P ?l |- _ => assert (forall x, In x l -> P x) by (apply Forall_forall; eauto); clear H | |- Forall _ _ => apply Forall_forall; intros end. - apply (Permutation_in _ H1) in H3. apply in_app_iff in H3. destruct H3 as [ | [ ] ]; subst; eauto. - apply (Permutation_in _ H1) in H3. apply in_app_iff with (l := x :: xs') in H3. destruct H3 as [ [ ] | ]; subst; eauto. - apply Permutation_cons_app with (l1 := x :: xs'). eauto. Defined.
Definition meld : forall xss, Forall (StronglySorted leb) xss -> forall acc, { zss | exists xss', zss = rev (map (@rev t) xss') ++ acc /\ length xss' = div2 (S (length xss)) /\ Forall (StronglySorted leb) xss' /\ Permutation (concat _ xss') (concat _ xss) }. Proof. refine (fix meld xss := match xss as xss0 return Forall (StronglySorted leb) xss0 -> forall acc, { zss | exists xss', zss = rev (map (@rev t) xss') ++ acc /\ length xss' = div2 (S (length xss0)) /\ Forall (StronglySorted leb) xss' /\ Permutation (concat _ xss') (concat _ xss0) } with | [] => fun _ acc => exist _ acc (ex_intro _ [] _) | [xs] => fun _ acc => exist _ (rev xs :: acc) (ex_intro _ [xs] _) | xs :: xs' :: xss' => fun _ acc => let (ys, H1) := rev_merge xs _ xs' _ [] in let (yss, H2) := meld xss' _ (ys :: acc) in exist _ yss (let (zs, _) := H1 in let (zss, _) := H2 in ex_intro _ (zs :: zss) _) end); repeat (simpl in *; ( rewrite app_nil_r in * || rewrite rev_involutive in * || rewrite <- app_assoc || match goal with | H : Forall _ (_ :: _) |- _ => inversion H; clear H | H : _ /\ _ |- _ => destruct H | H : exists _, _ |- _ => destruct H end || split); subst); eauto. rewrite app_assoc. apply Permutation_app; eauto. Defined.
Definition splitting : forall xs acc prev, Forall (StronglySorted leb) acc -> { xss | Permutation (concat _ xss) (rev (concat _ acc) ++ prev :: xs) /\ Forall (StronglySorted leb) xss }. Proof. refine (fix neutral xs := match xs as xs0 return forall acc prev, Forall (StronglySorted leb) acc -> { xss | Permutation (concat _ xss) (rev (concat _ acc) ++ prev :: xs0) /\ Forall (StronglySorted leb) xss } with | [] => fun acc prev _ => exist _ ([prev] :: acc) _ | x :: xs => fun acc prev _ => if Sumbool.sumbool_of_bool (leb prev x) then _ else _ end with incr xs := match xs as xs0 return forall acc curr prev, Forall (StronglySorted leb) acc -> StronglySorted (fun x y => leb y x) (prev :: curr) -> { xss | Permutation (concat _ xss) (rev (concat _ acc) ++ rev curr ++ prev :: xs0) /\ Forall (StronglySorted leb) xss } with | [] => fun acc curr prev _ _ => exist _ (rev_append curr [prev] :: acc) _ | x :: xs => fun acc curr prev _ _ => if Sumbool.sumbool_of_bool (leb prev x) then _ else _ end with decr xs := match xs as xs0 return forall acc curr prev, Forall (StronglySorted leb) acc -> StronglySorted leb (prev :: curr) -> { xss | Permutation (concat _ xss) (rev (concat _ acc) ++ prev :: curr ++ xs0) /\ Forall (StronglySorted leb) xss } with | [] => fun acc curr prev _ _ => exist _ ((prev :: curr) :: acc) _ | x :: xs => fun acc curr prev _ _ => if Sumbool.sumbool_of_bool (leb x prev) then _ else _ end for neutral); [ | refine (let (xs, _) := incr xs0 acc [prev] x _ _ in exist _ xs _) | refine (let (xs, _) := decr xs0 acc [prev] x _ _ in exist _ xs _) | | refine (let (xs, _) := incr xs0 acc (prev :: curr) x _ _ in exist _ xs _) | refine (let (xs, _) := neutral xs0 (rev_append curr [prev] :: acc) x _ in exist _ xs _) | | refine (let (xs, _) := decr xs0 acc (prev :: curr) x _ _ in exist _ xs _) | refine (let (xs, _) := neutral xs0 ((prev :: curr) :: acc) x _ in exist _ xs _) ]; repeat (( rewrite app_nil_r in * || rewrite <- app_assoc in * || rewrite rev_app_distr in * || rewrite rev_involutive in * || rewrite rev_append_rev in * || apply Forall_rev || apply StronglySorted_app || apply StronglySorted_rev || match goal with | H : _ /\ _ |- _ => destruct H | H : exists _, _ |- _ => destruct H | H : leb ?x ?y = false |- _ => destruct (leb_total x y); [ congruence | clear H ] | H : Forall _ ?l |- Forall _ ?l => eapply Forall_impl; [| apply H ]; intros | H : StronglySorted _ (_ :: _) |- _ => inversion H; subst; clear H | |- Forall _ (_ :: _) => constructor | |- StronglySorted _ (_ :: _) => constructor | _ => split end || split); subst; simpl in *); eauto. - apply Permutation_rev with (l := prev :: concat t acc). - etransitivity. + eassumption. + eapply Permutation_app_head. eauto. - etransitivity. + eapply Permutation_app_comm. + simpl. etransitivity. * apply Permutation_cons_append. * rewrite <- app_assoc. apply Permutation_app_tail. apply Permutation_rev. - etransitivity. + eassumption. + apply Permutation_app_head. etransitivity. * apply Permutation_middle. * apply Permutation_app_tail. apply Permutation_rev. - etransitivity. + apply Permutation_app_comm with (l := prev :: curr). + apply Permutation_app_tail. apply Permutation_rev. - etransitivity. + eassumption. + apply Permutation_app_head. apply Permutation_middle with (l1 := prev :: curr). - etransitivity. + eassumption. + apply Permutation_app_head. symmetry. etransitivity. * apply Permutation_middle. * apply Permutation_app_tail. apply Permutation_rev. Defined.
ソート済のリストが1つなるまでマージを繰り返す関数は次のように末尾再帰にできます。 ここで、マージを行う関数を末尾再帰に直したために要素が逆順になってしまいますが、 リストの反転を二回行えば元に戻る事を利用して計算時間を抑えましょう。
Definition merge_sort (t : Set) (leb : t -> t -> bool) (leb_total : forall x y, leb x y \/ leb y x) (leb_trans : Transitive leb) xs : { xs' | StronglySorted leb xs' /\ Permutation xs' xs }. Proof. refine (match xs as xs0 return { xs' | StronglySorted leb xs' /\ Permutation xs' xs0 } with | [] => exist _ [] _ | x :: xs => let (xss, _) := splitting _ leb _ _ xs [] x _ in (fix iter_meld xss (Hwf : Acc (ltof _ (@length _)) xss) { struct Hwf } := match xss as xss0 return Acc (ltof _ (@length _)) xss0 -> Forall (StronglySorted leb) xss0 -> Permutation (concat _ xss0) (x :: xs) -> { xs' | StronglySorted leb xs' /\ Permutation xs' (x :: xs) } with | [] => fun _ _ _ => exist _ [] _ | [xs] => fun _ _ _ => exist _ xs _ | xs :: xs' :: xss => fun Hwf _ _ => let (xss', _) := meld _ leb _ _ (xs :: xs' :: xss) _ [] in match Hwf with | Acc_intro Hwf' => _ end end Hwf with iter_meld_rev xss (Hwf : Acc (ltof _ (@length _)) xss) { struct Hwf } := match xss as xss0 return Acc (ltof _ (@length _)) xss0 -> Forall (StronglySorted (fun x y => leb y x)) xss0 -> Permutation (concat _ xss0) (x :: xs) -> { xs' | StronglySorted leb xs' /\ Permutation xs' (x :: xs) } with | [] => fun _ _ _ => exist _ [] _ | [xs] => fun _ _ _ => exist _ (rev xs) _ | xs :: xs' :: xss => fun Hwf _ _ => let (xss', _) := meld _ (fun x y => leb y x) _ _ (xs :: xs' :: xss) _ [] in match Hwf with | Acc_intro Hwf' => _ end end Hwf for iter_meld) xss (well_founded_ltof _ (@length _) _) _ _ end); [ | | | | | | | refine (iter_meld_rev xss' (Hwf' _ _) _ _) | | | | | | refine (iter_meld xss' (Hwf' _ _) _ _) | | ]; repeat (simpl in *; ( rewrite app_nil_r in * || rewrite rev_length in * || rewrite map_length in * || rewrite concat_rev in * || match goal with | H : Forall _ (_ ++ _) |- _ => apply Forall_app_iff in H | H : Forall _ (_ :: _) |- _ => inversion H; clear H; subst | H : _ /\ _ |- _ => destruct H | H : exists _, _ |- _ => destruct H | H : Forall _ ?l |- Forall _ ?l => eapply Forall_impl; [| apply H ] | |- Permutation (rev ?xs) _ => apply Permutation_trans with (l' := rev (rev xs)); [ apply Permutation_rev | rewrite rev_involutive ] end || apply Forall_rev || apply Forall_map || apply StronglySorted_rev || split); subst); eauto. - destruct (length xss1). + omega. + rewrite H2. apply le_n_S. apply lt_div2 with (n := S (S n)). omega. - destruct (length xss1). + omega. + rewrite H2. apply le_n_S. apply lt_div2 with (n := S (S n)). omega. Defined.
# let l = Array.to_list (Array.init 1919810 (fun _ -> Random.bits ()));; val l : int list = ... # measure (fun _ -> ignore (merge_sort ( <= ) l));; - : float = 4.59001299999999901
# let l = Array.to_list (Array.init 114514 (fun _ -> Random.bits ()));; val l : int list = ... # measure (fun _ -> ignore (merge_sort ( <= ) l));; - : float = 0.206737000000000393
Coqを用いる事による利点は正しさが保証される事に留まりません。 今までバグを恐れて行えなかった積極的な最適化を行う勇気も我々に与えてくれるのです。